Chinese Navy to the Seas.

The Chinese government has spent billions to upgrade its naval might and this week the fleet will host a parade of the People’s Liberation Navy off the northern port city of Qingdao to mark the 60th Anniversary of the Communist victory over capitalism. Most of the armada will be missile frigates, destroyers, and submarines, but admirals have been hinting about the construction of an aircraft carrier financed by the sale of Chinese crap to the USA.

China’s Navy reached its zenith with Zheng He’s voyages to the Western Ocean from 1405 to 1433. Immediately after the treasure fleet’s return the Ming Dynasty banned any blue-water exploration and the Empire’s navy consisted of coastal junks. The Dowager empress went so far as to spend a year’s naval budget on a marble boat from the gardens of the Summer Palace.

This resurgence by the Chinese Navy has worried other Far East nations and this week the USA is holding naval exercises with Germany, Canada, Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Mexico, Peru and Uruguay off the Florida coast to practice strategies against modern-day pirates.

Pirates of the Caribbean are the worst kind.

Anyone who has been to Disneyworld knows that.

So China beware.

General Tsao is no Admiral.

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