Karl Rove in the Shadows

The nuns of St. Mary’s of the Foothills instructed their students to be on guard against godless Communism. We read Thomas Dooley’s AGAINST ALL EVILS. The Viet Cong had pounded chopsticks into the ears of Catholics and the priests spoke about the bravery of the Marines in Chosen Reservoir, however war was only one weapon in the Communist arsenal. Cheaper and more insidious was the corruption of the democratic vote process. Stuffing the ballot, terrorizing the masses, misinformation over the media, obstruction in the legislature along with character assassination and overt violence. These tactics succeeded in Poland, Czechoslovakia, and Hungary. No one made mentioned of the USA’s overthrowing the governments of Persia or Guatemala. They were expendable, however the GOP has always been impressed with Communist tactics.

The Bush regime even went so far as to adopt the brainwashing methods of the North Koreans for their secret rendition camps and ships.

It’s been three months since GW Bush was ousted from the White House. The secret camps are supposedly closed by Congress. Corporate fatcats are arrested on charges of corruption. Weapons systems are canceled by the Pentagon and the spotted owl is safe from loggers.

These policy changes do not sit well with the GOP and they have revived their old games to confront the Obama government. The senate race in Minnesota is till undecided. Maybe both opponents should go into the Minneapolis airport and decided the election on whomever gives the best head in a bathroom. Teabagging has taken on a less-pornographic meaning with GOP-orchestrated protests against the federal bailout of the banks. The accusation of liberalism has been replaced by socialism and several right wingers have announced that there are 15 socialists in Congress evoking shades of McCarthyism.

My mother liked McCarthy.

Joe not Paul.

Fox News has run with the ‘tea party rebellion’ to report a gain of another million viewers or 50% of the Americans incarcerated in prison. 3,000,000 viewers amount to 1% of the US population. The rule of the unruly minority where the loudest sound like the most just like in the Russian Revolution when 1700 Bolsheviks subverted the Kerensky government.

And now the governor of Texas has invoked the 10th Amendment, which states that the powers not granted to the national government nor prohibited to the states are reserved to the states or the people.

Like California’s right to smoke marijuana or Iowa’s gay marriage statute.

Rick Perry, the ruling GOP leader in Texas, led a ‘tea party’ in Austin and the fired-up crowd shouted after his harangue against taxation and debt, “Secede.”

“We’ve got a great union. There’s absolutely no reason to dissolve it. But if Washington continues to thumb their nose at the American people, you know, who knows what might come out of that. But Texas is a very unique place, and we’re a pretty independent lot to boot.”

Good talk from a man running for re-election by rejecting $550 million in federal money slated for Texas’ unemployment trust fund. Glenn Beck was also in attendance, crying on TV about the loss of personal freedom. Flags, guns, and teabags.

It’s an American thing.

The rebellion of the masses.

Even if it’s only 10,000 people.

That’s about 6 times the number of the Bolsheviks.

That Karl Rove knows his history and only those who ignore the past are doomed to not repeat it.

Let’s bring him back to Washington.

This time in cuffs.

Unfortunately DC doesn’t have the death penalty, but Texas does capital punishment.

Even for fat bald men.

Whites too.

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