Welcome to the Age of Scams

No one ever went broke underestimating the intelligence of the American people.
— H. L. Mencken

To prove this old adage a new scam is roaming the internet for suckers.

The pitch is extremely unreadable to anyone other than a lawyer or a derivatives banker.

Re: Payment Solution on $20MUSD Outstanding

Dear Beneficiary,

You have been mandated by the payment office of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) to pay your outstanding payment for the year 2009.In this same vein a nominated bank has been designated for the payment to your designated bank account via bank to bank electronic transfer in the exact value of Twenty Million US dollars ($20mUSD), comprising of your long overdue inheritance/contract payment plus accrued interest.

Now we have been able to analyze the situation regarding your payment and discovered gross irregularities and corruption unveiled from fraudulent bankers who have connived with money laundering experts to frustrate your payment efforts.Now a secured means of payment has been modulated after series of analysis by World Bank experts on advance fee fraud schemes and high level corruption. After cleverly reviewing the past delays in completing your
payment, it was discovered that most of the banks are in league with money laundering experts and use your transactions to legitimatize their money laundering schemes hereby blocking your payment.

To resolve this unpaid fund crisis a foremost bank in the name of Barclays Bank has been nominated to make the payment of Twenty Million US dollars ($20MUSD) to any designated bank account of your choice.To achieve this you are required to acquire a Transfer Acquisition Code (TAC) from Barclays bank for the transfer of $20MUSD to commence immediately. The TAC attracts an activation charge of ?250GBP/ $500 only to be payable by you the beneficiary and upon acquisition of the required TAC your transaction would be coded from money laundering corrupt bankers.

This same TAC would be used to release your payment by the self serve service on the secured transfer online site of Barclays Bank. Contact immediately Mr.Robert Crago of Barclays Bank Online Payment Department with the following information:

Tel: +44 709 288 3748 or Mobile: +44 700580010

for further instructions.Regards,

Pierre Blanc


My friend Jorge wasted no time to respond to this convoluted offer.

Dear Pierre,
Thank you for your very interesting email. I’m curious: were you born an asshole, or did you turn into one when your father started f&^$^#% you in the ass? You’ll be happy to know that the FBI now also knows what an asshole you are. Maybe they’ll be able to help you.
Best regards,

Of course not everyone is so lacking in trust, which is why there’s a more sympathetic plea making the round about an American soldier in possession of lost Pentagon money.

KELLY’S HEROES circa 2009. Very patriotic. Jorge thought this scam was romantic


I know you would be surprised to read from someone relatively unknown to you before. My name is SGT. Peter Lundgren, a member of the U.S. ARMY USARPAC Medical Team, which was deployed to Iraq in the beginning of the war in Iraq.
I would like to share some highly personal classified information about my personal experience and role which I played in the pursuit of my career serving under the U.S 1st Armored which was at the fore-front of the war in Iraq.
Though, I would like to hold back certain information for security reasons for now until you have find the time to visit the BBC website stated below to enable you have insight as to what I’m intending to share with you,believing that it would be of your desired interest one-way or the other.

For a related article click on this URL


Also, could you get back to me having visiting the above website to enable us discuss in a more clarifying manner to the best of your understanding. I must say hat I’m very uncomfortable with sending this message to you without knowing
truly if you would misconstrue the importance and decides to go public. In this regards, I will not hold back to say that the essence of this message is strictly for mutual benefit of you and I and nothing more.

I will be vivid and coherent in my next message in this regards, meanwhile, could you send me a mail confirming you have visited the site and that you have understood my intentions? I will await your thoughts. as i look forward to your reply.

Best Regards
SGT. Peter Lundgren.

My personal suspicion is that the purveyors of these letters are not Nigerian cyber-criminals but Wall Street financiers.

Same class of people.

In fact the Nigerians are more honorable since you can trust the criminality of a Nigerian.

For a related article click on this URL


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