Arty SuperBowl Sunday chez Miguel

Europeans don’t get American Football.

“Why call it football when you can’t kick the ball?”

It’s a good question but who cares what Europeans about sports and the feeling is obvious mutual because my good friend Miguel Abreau scheduled the opening of Pieter Schoolwerth for this Sunday.

Art versus Superbowl.

We know who wins this contest, despite my being friend with both the gallery owner and the artist.

Chicken wings and beer.

But for those effete art snobs wishing to expand their minds go to Miguel Abreau Gallery this evening.

Peter is the tall American with the long hair.

I think.

36 Orchard Street (between Canal & Hester), New York, NY 10002
Telephone 212.995.1774 • Fax 646.688.2302 •

Gallery hours: Wednesday – Sunday, 11:00 AM to 6:30 PM
Subway: F to East Broadway; B, D to Grand Street; J, M, Z to Delancey / Essex Street

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