Monthly Archives: November 2008

Drunkee POL from NJ

This weekend a Democratic Jersey City councilman was arrested for peeing from the balcony. This golden shower episode would have been considered harmless, except it occurred during a Grateful Dead tribute band concert. The concertgoers weren’t happy about his blessing and the councilman has sworn off drinking for the rest of his life. Most drunks […]

Obama Meets F Bush

President-elect Barack Obama visited his home-to-be today. President #43 greeted #44 at the White House. This tradition provided both men with ample time to assess the past and future of America and their spokespeople put a smiling face on the hour-long meeting. President Bush has promised a fast transition. “I want to get out of […]

Woman Seeking Man

My brother-in-law sent this message about a New Retail Store. My wife loves shopping. For women shopping is a sport on the same level as football only they don’t sit on a sofa watching TV. They are on the field and play to win. It’s my beer money that loses. Wah. Interesting new store format […]

The Land of No gets No-er

The Banglamung District Chief has issued a series of warning to Pattaya bar owners about the various violations deemed unacceptable to the forces of Law and Order. No drugs except for tobacco and even that has to be smoked in designated areas. No weapons including hand grenades. No dildo shows or sex shows or nakedness. […]

Not Forget You Long Time

Harry Nicolaides wrote VERISIMILITUDE in 2005. This novel based on his life in Thailand sold 42 copies. Its lack of success did not prevent the Thai police from charging the Australian author with the charge of lese-majeste upon his re-entry to the country this summer. His crime; writing what any fool knows you don’t write […]