ANOTHER SAD LETTER this one thanks to www.teakdoor.com
OK, I met a seemingly nice half-Chinese half-Thai girl about a year and a half ago. We were friends for a month or so and then we started dating. All was good for the first 6-8 months but then she got lazy and stopped studying and started sleeping a lot and seemed to have no ambition. I tried to get her to get a job but she gets 50000baht a month pocket money from daddy dearest so she turned her nose up at a 5-10k/m job.
Anyways, I got increasingly bored of her and the lack of interesting conversation. So, I suggested that we take a break. I moved to a new house and she moved into an apartment. This was approx. 3 months ago.
She has harassed me to the point of exhaustion! She has broken into my house several times and recently she found out I had seen another girl so she broke into my house whilst I was sleeping, came into my bedroom (I was alone) and attacked me with a knife. I wasn’t hurt as I managed to get the knife off her. But the intent was there and I want nothing more to do with her.
I went to the police and they did absolutely nothing about it! They said that until she stabs me there is nothing they can do, she also stole my laptop but there was no witness so they again said there was nothing that they can do? This to me seems absurd! I mean I even had a picture of her chasing me with a knife down the street! I ran out in front of my neighbor’s house were my car was parked and ran round my car as she chased me with this HUGE kitchen knife, my neighbor’s workers saw this but yet when the police came and talked to the neighbors they simply laughed? And even after all this it took 3 visits to the police station before they entertained the idea of filing a report.
As far as she is concerned I finished with her but she hasn’t finished with me so I cannot go out with anyone of do anything. She is threatening to step up a gear as she says up til now she has been a good girl but seeing as I have changed my phone number and moved she will be a bad girl now and cause me major problems.
Well, a week ago I was hammered drunk and she found me in a pub, I cannot remember what happened but I slapped her several times (so I am told) and she says she has a black eye ( I haven’t seen it), many people where around so she has witnesses. Anyways, she is threatening to go to the police and have me arrested for assault! Now her family are very rich and potentially influential Chinese-Thais so what are my options here? What could the police do? is this a custodial issue? could I be kicked out of Thailand? I really have no knowledge of the law here and I do not know where I stand.
As it is I am already planning to move to Bangkok for a few months to let the dust settle as it were, but it has already been 3 months+ since I finished with her and nothing has calmed down yet so I really don’t know what will change in another 3 months? I have make a life for myself in Chiang Mai and really was planning to spent the rest of my life there.
My questions are: Can I be arrested for slapping her and giving her a black eye?
Can I file an injunction and have a restraining order put on her?
Can I / should I have her arrested for breaking and entering?
What could the police do?
Is this a custodial issue?
Could I be kicked out of Thailand?
And what would others do in my situation?