Corporate Fascism In America

For years my good friend Ty Spaulding has been moaning about corporate welfare; subsidies to agriculture giants, tax credits for oil companies, budget packages for defense contractors. He’s a fiscal libertarian and thinks these companies should fly under their own strength or crash beneath the weight of their failures.

“This is supposed to be a free market, yet whenever a favored industry is threatened by extinction, the federal government comes to their rescue. If it were up to Congress, the dinosaurs would still be alive.” Ty is a fiscal libertarian living in San Francisco. No one ever listens to what he says, because he’s a little nuts. Same as me and he went ballistic with the bailout of the baking industry. “Better they crash and burn now because these clowns will do this again. What we have is another massive transfer of wealth to the private section and the people who will pay for this in the end are people like you and me. Well, maybe not you, since you don’t pay taxes.”

I don’t keep any secrets from Ty. We have trekked through the Himalayas in search of the truth and decided that neither of us know anything. Ignorance is bliss.

“Worst is that no one in America understands what this bailout means to them. This is the end of capitalism.”

Remember when the 1st Bush claimed the fall of capitalism made the world safe for capitalism?


It was long ago.

Yesterday my sister called and after berating me for having fathered a child out of wedlock without any income in sight, she declared about the Bail-out, “America has gone communist.”

“Not communist, but socialist with state controls. That is normally called corporate fascism.” I studied economics under Barry Bluestone at BC. He was a socialist. I’m more an anarchist. I could tell from the silence from the other end of the receiver that my sister deemed me mad, but corporate fascism has supplanted democracy thanks to nearly 30 years of GOP rule in America.

Why 30?

Because Clinton was a GOP plant.

The revolution will not be televised,, but we will issue communiques via CB radios.

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