Thailand is a major entrepot for counterfeit luxury goods. They are mostly manufactured in China and shipped to Bangkok for distribution to tourists areas around the country. The quality of these goods vary from top-of-the-line to horrible and the DSI police in Bangkok are struggling to fight this trade to protect the names of Gucci, Adidas, and Ferrari as well as their profit margins.
A Ferrari shirt from their online suppliers cost $100 while a fake costs between $30-40.
The difference is obvious to racing fans, but none of them can pay that $100 for the real thing or a Prada bag. Fake is as good as real if you can afford the fake.
The Thai police are familiar with the smuggling routes of this contraband, but their informers or pôo raai ngaan have difficulty piercing the security of the smugglers.
“Police cannot do anything without information to act on,” the chief of the DSI’s intellectual property office told the Bangkok Post. “They will be around as long as they can make a fortune selling pirated goods. They think it’s worth the risk given the handsome profit they make. At the same time, many people condone the sale of counterfeit goods and are ready to pay for them. That’s why few people willingly come forward to tip off the police.”
Of course no one ever mentions who really is in charge of the smuggling.
ps I only wear copies.