Khalid ended up for a short time in a Thai private prison run by Halliburton. A practiced interrogator visited the Arab in his cell, noting the prisoner seemed a little worse for wear after a month-long session of various torture and discomfort techniques by the agency’s “knuckledraggers.”
Khalid blathered about Allah, his wife, Israel, hunger, and even Al Qaeda to the ‘good cop’ interrogator during his breaks from torture by the ‘bad cops’ He confessed the iner workings of al-Qaeda as well as that he had conjugal relationships with sheep plus had been abducted by aliens and once thought God was a woman. Full disclosure of the meetings are classified, since the GW Bush regime considers everything a secret even when everyone knows the secret.
The Thai black site was south of Bangkok and many Pattaya residents on 3rd Road wonder in that location wasn’t the notorious THE CASTLE, the city’s premiere S&M site. This bar was next to the Buffalo and I watched the entrances to the sadist club without ever seeing a black helicopter land on the roof, but I also was very drunk at the Buffalo on many occasions, although never drunk enough to go next door for a torture session.
It was expensive and Khalid got it all for free.
Of course Halliburton put that service on the tab of the CIA.
Remember we’re fighting for the freedom of the free market.
Sell nothing at less than retail.
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