Monthly Archives: April 2008

On the 5th Day of Songkran

The Songkran madness has not infect New York. The only water splashed on the streets of Manhattan are from the Street cleaning trucks sluicing down the gutters, however the festival gathers its strength for its inevitable end in Pattaya this weekend. so far there have been 3,537 road accidents resulting in 276 deaths and 3,992 […]

Dick Cheney’s Sex Vision Googles

The other day a blogographer caught Dick Cheney with his sunglasses reflecting what seemed to be a naked woman. Dick Cheney Wyoming conservative with a naked woman? The power of the blogosphere was never more apparent than when the Vice President’s press flak replied that Cheney had been fly-fishing on the Snake River and the […]

Fight the California Beer Tax

I drink beer. It’s one of the seven natural male pleasures. The others are uninhibited scratching, the canine ability to possess no thought, a total lack of concern for appearance, sleeping late, and eating without manners. Actually they may number more than that, but beer drinking tops the list, especially in Pattaya where the beer […]

Black Widow Beer Scam

Police are warning all men who frequent clubs, parties & local pubs to be alert and stay cautious when offered a drink from any woman. Many females use a date rape drug on the market called ‘ Beer ‘. The drug is found in liquid form and is available anywhere. It comes in bottles, cans, […]

Telling It like It is

America touts itself as the Land of the Free and the ACLU considers the Freedom of Speech to be one of our most treasured rights, however this liberty has been curtailed by the 24 hour news cycle ravenously devouring anyone guilty of saying what they mean by sound-biting the truth to shreds. Senator Obama seemingly […]