Monthly Archives: February 2008

GW Bush In Africa

Prior to his election in 2000, GW Bush’s single sojourn outside the USA was a tequila tasting trip to Mexico as Texas Governor. A Mescal hang-over and Montezuma’s Revenge taught the future-president a vaulable lesson. “Nothing like leaving America to prove it’s the best place in the world.” During his two terms GW Bush has visited Japan, Korea, Red China, Jordan, Australia, […]

Rockets Red Glare over Suvarnabhumi

My first years were spent in a house in Maine. The road deadended onto Casco Bay. Seagulls were the predominant bird of flight. Their call continues to evoke childhood memories of the North Atlantic, however they were replaced by a much more disturbing noise with a family move in 1960. My father had a new […]

USA to Zap Space Junk

A lingering image of the Iraq War is the video of a $1,000,000 smart missile taking out a crapped-out truck on a desert bridge. Cost-effective considering that US troops annually shoot over a billion bullets. One billion bullets is just a little trigger happy. This gun-crazyitis comes from the top, as GW Bush now wants […]

Somehow This Ranong Murder Didn’t the News

Unfortunately this story happens with a greater frequency than reported by the Thai press. In fact this murder didn’t make any of the Thai papers. Farang or Thai. I only found it on after a friend mentioned the death. It looks like his wife tried to kill him twice, if not three times for […]

$7.7 Trillion Sub-Prime Loss for US

The meltdown in the US subprime real-estate market has led to a global loss of 7.7 trillion dollars in stock-market value since October, a report by Bank of America showed Thursday. The crisis, which has spread beyond US shores to banks and other sectors worldwide, is “one of the most vicious in financial history,” according […]