Obama Wins Tidewater

Democrats on either side of the Potomac voted their hearts to give Barack Obama victories in Maryland, Virginia, and DC. These wins propelled the Illinois senator into a delegate lead over the Clinton from New York. Hillary Clinton is still in the running, but pundits say she’s running scared in the face of Obama’s increasing electability.


A useless trivia stat against both candidates has been that no senator has won the presidency since JFK. Now that John McCain has emerged as the GOP frontrunner, it would seem that a senator has to break that streak, unless GW Bush seizes power for a 3rd term. I called Vegas to make a bet on this possibility, however I couldn’t find a single bookie willing to take my bet.  

Las Vegas favors Obama as the next president 3-2.

I agree with the odds-makers.

He would appear to be a lock.

Until you take in his assasinability factor.

Young, charismatic, black and preaching change.

Not really the qualifications for a long-term president.

And the dark forces always have their way.

JFK, RFK, Martin Luther King, Wallace, Malcolm X.

Politics of the bullet.

Just for once I wish it were not so.

Secret Service men be on your guard.

The single bullet theory can’t work now.

Or can it?

Here in Thailand no one with an honest voice is allowed to speak for long. Protest leaders, labor organizers, dissidents, and saints meet the same fate as American leaders with vision.

Bam Bang and blam.

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