Iowa 2008

Last week Iowa voters braved the cold weather and rushed through the scrums of talking heads (TV reporters) to upset the front runners of both political parties. 


Hair-perfect Milt Romney was defeated by the bass-playing Bible-Belter Mike Huckabee, Neither of whom stands a snowball’s chance in hell of being POTUS or President of the United States and the same goes for the wannabe-Mormon Rudolph Guiliani ( 3 wives ) and America hasn’t elected a bald president since Dwight Eisenhower in 1952, thus eliminating John McCain, who’s also old enough to fart dust.

On the Democratic side of the contest Obama upset the Clinton machine, as independents voted in record numbers for the freshman Senator from Illinois, Hillary’s home state.

She cried during a TV interview and come pundits suggested this tearful display hurt her image, but few of them have ever read Cato’s words.

“A woman’s tears are the strongest acid in the world.”

She ain’t done yet and neither is GW Bush.

Remember I’m taking bets on his serving a 3rd term via a suspension of the Constitution due to a terrorist threat.

“These people will stop at nothing and neither will I.”

4 more years.

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