Monthly Archives: November 2007

Good-Bye Mia Noi

Luis Bunuel the surrealist Spanish film director said, “First you get married and then you find somone with whom you can be unfaithful.” My wife and I have been together over five years. You can divine the health of a relationship by how close you sleep together. The distance between our bodies is about a […]

Retirement Visa Jomtien

My age is closer to 80 than 20. In other words over 50 and I don’t care how much people say today’s 50 is yesteryear’s 40. The face in the mirror has little resemblance to that of my youth. Girls at the bar sometimes call me ‘Papa’. 50 is 50. At least I’m not bald […]

Isaan Beer – Cheap and Local for NE Thailand

After my drinking partner, Nick, returned to the Land of the Teabags aka the UK, my bar visits shrunk from a daily occurence to once a week. Not much fun drinking on your own, since AA deems solitary drinking as a sure indication of having crossed the line from drunk to alcoholic. I might qualify for several other […]

GHB Chinese Toys

Dee Dee Ramone and Richard Hell wrote CHINESE ROCKS in 1976 to outdo Lou Reed’s elegiac HEROIN. The song soon became Johnny Thunder’s and the Heartbreakers’ showstopper. While Tom Petty and his Heartbreakers have sold millions of LPs and CDs, neither the Ramones’ nor Johnny Thunders’ versions of CHINESE ROCKS got any AM airplay. Its omission from the Top Ten can […]

More Thai Visa Panic

Thai immigration offices and especially the Jomtien Branch have been trying to curb the number of long-stay farangs residents without any real raison d’etre for being in Thailand other than having a good time or sanuk. Gone is the endless merry-go-round of 30-Day tourist visas. 3 and no more. Nearby Thai embassies or consulates are giving tourist 60-day visas with […]