“The fundamentals of our nation’s economy are strong.” GW Bush announced to reporters, then admitted, “There is no question that there is some unsettling times in the housing market.”
I bet my life’s savings, almost $500, that GW Bush hasn’t put his hand into his pocket during his presidency other than to scratch his balls, so anyone believing his comments deserve a dose of the truth, which is that there is no economy in America other than managing the glut of dollars the Federal Reserve is printing to finance the Iraq War and the tax cut for the rich.
All our industries were shipped to China and service sectors to India.
And things can only get worse, unless someone in the US military has the balls to stage a coup against these GOP idiots like the Thai Army did to Thaksin.
Of course the Thai Army hasn’t done too well with the Thai economy, because the officers wouldn’t be in the army if they were smart enough to get into university, so expecting the US Calvary to rescue the USA is asking too much, especially since they don’t ride horses anymore.
Let’s face it.
We’re fucked and that means we might as well start drinking as much as possible.
In good times drink. In bad times drink.
Beer for all my friends and then some drugs. Don’t say no. GW Bush never did.
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