Impeach GW BUSH

Dennis Kucinech has said it. “Impeach the president.”


No one in Congress has the balls to echo his statement, yet the GOP howled for Clinton to get out of office, because he lied under oath about fellatio. 

Not really lying, because Slick Willie claimed fellatio was not really sex.

You could have fooled me.

GW’s Crime. Mass stupidity.

Yesterday 14 US soldiers died in Iraq. The total for Iraqi citizens is a mystery. GW Bush awarded the Freedom Medal to general Tommy Franks, who said, “We don’t keep body counts on civilians.”

President Bush has asked the American public to be patience about the surge, claiming General Petraeus, the field commander, has a better understanding of the strategy. This is the same general overseeing the training of the Iraqi Army. 

My sister-in-law is a faithful Bush supporter. She had worked for his father in the CIA. Her trust is unflinching. “We have too much invested to lose.”

“Bets are not investment.” On my 21st birthday I lost over $700 in a Reno casino. “You have to know when to cut your losses.”

Ronald Reagan was no genius, however he ended his Lebanon involvement after the Beirut Marine barracks bombing. Old Dutch left within days, having the US Jersey shelled the Chouf Mountains as a good-bye salvo. Adios.

GW Bush is no Reagan and the only hope is that someone joins the chorus for the impeachment of Bush before he really gets us into trouble.

One more thing.


Dick Cheney has to go to, since he’s the puppetmaster.


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