Goya’s Ghosts Movie

Back in 1958 America and France movie studios collaborated to film THE NAKED GOYA. Anthony Fransciosa starred as Goya painting the renowned nude of the Duchess of Alba played by Ava Gardner. I think I saw the movie at the drive-in and my mother covered my eyes, when the actress took off her clothes.


Six was too young an age for most boys to realize Ava Gardner’s power over men. Not me after catching a TV presentation of THE BAREFOOT CONTESSA on a rainy Sunday afternoon. The love goddess’ black-and-white images reinforced my devotion.

My brother thought I was an idiot. “No way Ava Gardner would fall for you. You’re only 8.”

He was right.

Ava had been married to Sinatra. Worst the singer found Lana Turner and Ava in a state of undress. “Lesbians! You’re a bunch of lesbians! All of you Lesbians! Lesbians! Lesbians!”


No chance at all. Especially against Lana Turner.

My friend Sam Royalle and I were discussing movie actress with whom we might conduct physical relationships. “And we can only count living ones.”

“What’s wrong including the dead?”

“Because it’s too close to necrophilia.”


He named a dozen modern actresses. I picked a few obscure starlettes and we only came up with Joleen Blalock from ENTERPRISE and Natalie Portman OF STAR WARS fame.


I have always been a Trekkie.

Last night I watched GOYA’S GHOST

Natalie Portman, while beautiful, is no Ava Gardner. Still GOYA’S GHOST is a 1000 times better than THE NAKED MAJA. Acting, direction, and a story about the Spanish Inquisition. Naked torture scene.


Ms Portman’s nude was a double. 

And what was the famous question put to a heretic?

Same one as used by the Nazis.

This movie doesn’t paint a nice picture of the Church. Even the inquisitor falls for Natalie Portman’s poor 15 year-old soul. While Goya paints the world as he sees it.


Beauty and the Beast.

For a related article click on this URL

https://www.mangozeen.com/ghouls-on-the-loose.htm” target=”_blank”>Text Display 

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