Freedom of Speech Thailand

January 15, 2007 CNN aired an interview with Thailand’s _42113910_thaksinlond203afp.jpgwandering ex-prime minister, Thaksin Shinawatra. the ruling military clique pressured the cable station UBC to blackout the 2:51 minute news segment during which the XPM declared his innocence in connection to the New Year’s Eve bombing.

I saw the interview on

“Everyone knows who am I. I do everything for the good of the people. I don’t do something that stupid.”

Like lining his pockets with contracts from a shabbily built airport?

The interviewer posed no questions about corruption.

So why was the Thai military so scared?

Because rice farmers in Isaan would get CNN?

Or his faithful would learn English to understand his interview?

You can not stop information or disinformation from reaching the people nowadays and that is the great beauty about the internet. People see eveything no matter what it means and will believe whatever they hear no matter what it means.

What price freedom?

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