Invincible – movie

This movie about a loser Philadelphia Eagles fan could have been a rehash of2117613.gif ROCKY, however the producers had the intelligence to cast Mark Walhberg as the lead, Vinne Papale, who tries out for the team on a dare and makes it into the NFL.

I never liked him as Marky Mark, boy band solo artist, however he has consistently shined on the screen without clamoring for attention. In BOOGIE NIGHTS, THE ITALIAN JOB, FOUR BROTHERS and THE PERFECT STORM Mark Walhberg had proved himself not to be a joke and he saves this movie with heartfelt emotion, convincing the auridence that he’s a Eagle fan, which is hard for someone from a project in Boston to pull off.

This is a small movie, but adds another notch for the actor.

Buy the bootleg DVD.

Or if you’re stuck in the USA under the thumb of the War on Terror.

Go see it at the movies.

Your money will help pay for FLINTSTONES 3

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